
I had a dream about you last night…

It wasn’t a good one 🙁

I went to visit you in Lubbock (because apparently that was your hometown in my head). When we first met, it was wonderful. We hugged, kissed, held hands. You took me flying in a plane and showed me some beautiful beaches.

You were huge. When you held me, it felt as if the whole universe was enveloping me. You were some huge deity that was there to protect me.

But this is where it starts to go a little weird.

After a few days, you told me that someone else was also coming to stay. You asked me if that was ok. I said yes. But then you left it up to me to go to the airport to pick this mystery person up.

So I went to the airport and see Liv Tyler. Seriously. SHE was the mystery person. Even though I had never met her, I just knew that she was the person that was coming to stay. I asked her if she knew you. She said yes. When she said that tiny little shattering word, the whole airport stopped in its tracks. The word flowed out of those lips of hers in slow motion.


I hid my breaking heart and asked her to follow me. You met us at some runway in your little plane. She sat next to you in the front. I had to sit in the back. How on earth could I compete with THAT? With her black hair blowing in the wind… and her gorgeous eyes and gorgeous pale skin? I was invisible now.

My jealous streak was having a field day.

She flirted. You flirted. I flirted with suicide.

You showed her all the places you had shown me in your plane which made the whole amazing day that we shared feel cheap and foolish.

I considered jumping into the ocean as you flew low.

By Jen

You are as abandoned and noisy as any character in a porn film, Laura. You are Ian's plaything, responding to his touch with shrieks of orgasmic delight. No woman in the history of the world is having better sex than sex you are having with Ian... in my head.

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