

So, yesterday I went to hand over some CDs to Leny. Little did I know that I was going to be meeting up with some image consultants. Leny had decided that I should meet them so they could get to know me and see where I should be placed in the market. They asked me what kind of music I was into, what kind of clothes I wear during performances, what my favourite colors are, how I want to come across… all that 🙂 It was very interesting! I told them a bit about myself… and they were so excited to work with me that it just became really great talking to them.

Don’t you just love talking to people who are excited about your craft as YOU ARE?

Anyway, they are writing up a proposal to show me how they can help me… I’m really excited 🙂

By Jen

You are as abandoned and noisy as any character in a porn film, Laura. You are Ian's plaything, responding to his touch with shrieks of orgasmic delight. No woman in the history of the world is having better sex than sex you are having with Ian... in my head.

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