
Nothing to really say…

I was in the mood to write even though I really can’t think of anything that is worth writing. Sorry to all of those who checked out the site I plugged yesterday. It opened up in the damn frame so you couldn’t see it properly! Lol. Oh well…

I’m talking to some friends online right now: Natasha and Carissa. 🙂 Natasha just had a baby. Unebelievable. I saw a pic of him and I cried… what a miracle.

Yesterday, I went in to record some vocals… but I didn’t end up doing too much because my voice just wasn’t strong enough – my being sick and all. So I had to just do backing vocals and come back once I’m feeling better. The song is sounding GREAT though. All the boys need to do now is record the cello and the rest of my vocals.. and then we’re good to go. I shall have to upload a snippet of it on here once we’re done 🙂

Ok ok.. enough crap.

By Jen

You are as abandoned and noisy as any character in a porn film, Laura. You are Ian's plaything, responding to his touch with shrieks of orgasmic delight. No woman in the history of the world is having better sex than sex you are having with Ian... in my head.

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