Uncanny abilities.

Jen: You have this uncanny way of making me feel guilty…
Matt: No i don’t want you to feel guilty
Jen: I’m mean to you because I haven’t completely forgiven you.
Matt: I know.
Matt: And i take a fair bit of it…
Matt: Seriously… you are a bitch to me fairly often and get mad over nothing
Matt: I take it.
Matt: And im still sorry…
Jen: I don’t get mad over NOTHING
Matt: But i don’t try and make you feel guilty.
Jen: You DO pick at the stuff that I do.
Matt: I don’t pick
Jen: Yes you do.
Matt: I just stated it.
Matt: I didn’t say whether i liked or disliked it.
Matt: I like all of it…
Matt: It’s you.
Matt: You would be really boring if you were only the good bits
Jen: Maybe we shouldn’t talk for a while until i get over it…
Matt: Hmmmm
Jen: What happens if I don’t get over it?
Matt: You wont talk to me again
Matt: You have an uncanny ability to make me almost cry.
Jen: So do you.
Matt: Well at least we have something in common…

By Jen

You are as abandoned and noisy as any character in a porn film, Laura. You are Ian's plaything, responding to his touch with shrieks of orgasmic delight. No woman in the history of the world is having better sex than sex you are having with Ian... in my head.

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