

I’ve had some weird dreams the last couple of days…

The first one was about Edward Norton. I was his girlfriend for the first half of the dream. We were on some kind of cruise ship and this gorgeous yacht was being towed along behind it. I don’t really remember much about it – just that something bad happened to this cruise ship so EN and I got onto the yacht.. but then the yacht started getting eaten by sharks. I think this is when I turned into EN. The rest of the dream was basically about my girlfriend and I being chased by sharks. It was a pretty scary dream.

This disagreeable swimmer is an omen of danger from dishonest friends or associates; be extra cautious in all financial matters for the time being.

Whether powered by sail, steam, or motor, ships in your dream are an augury of profitable ventures. To be in a shipwreck portends a situation in which you will have to defend your reputation. To see or build a model of a ship promises a mad new love affair within the year. A single battleship seen in your dream indicates an improvement in your living conditions; a fleet of ships is a sign of business success. In any dream of ships, the condition of the water and weather must be taken into consideration.

If you dreamed of handling or observing the sails on a boat, it predicts approaching happiness; to dream that you were sailing under pleasant conditions and with favorable winds predicts prosperity, but uncomfortably choppy seas or dead calm portends disappointment. If you dreamed of sailing into harbor in a small boat, the forecast is of sudden success or unexpected good fortune.

The augury of this emotion depends on the action. If you had a sudden fright, it indicates an unexpected success in some current activity; if your feeling of fright was general and/or steady, it indicates that whatever your current fears are they will not materialize; however, if you dreamed of deliberately frightening another person, you can expect reverses due to your lack of judgement.

By Jen

You are as abandoned and noisy as any character in a porn film, Laura. You are Ian's plaything, responding to his touch with shrieks of orgasmic delight. No woman in the history of the world is having better sex than sex you are having with Ian... in my head.

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