Nice one, Father.

Dad: Does Jackie seem a little moody to you?
Jen: Yes.
Mel: No.
Dad: Do you know why she’s being moody?
Jen: Uh.. yeah.
Dad: Why?
Mel: Pregnancy hormones?
Jen: Uh.. maybe you should talk to her about it…
Dad: Is it about me?
Jen: Uh…yes.
Dad: And Tina?
Jen: Yeah.
Dad: And money?
Jen: Kind of…
Dad: … and the wedding?
Jen: Sort of… the wedding made her realise it.. I think…
Mel: Why? What happened at the wedding?
Dad: Jen, just tell me so I know what to say to her.
Jen: Look, she feels jipped in the love and affection department. She’s the least favourite twin. Tina’s the favourite one. It’s sibling rivalry. Competition. And it’s the hormones too. The pregnancy is getting to her. But you do tend to overlook her a little, dad – even if you don’t mean to.
Dad: Hmm.. ok. I’ll give her a call. *dials number*
Jackie: *phone rings* Hello?
Dad: Hi Tina- Err.. Jackie… sorry.. I mean Jackie… sorry… Jackie… Uh…. Erm..
Jen and Mel: *choke on Starbucks coffee*

By Jen

You are as abandoned and noisy as any character in a porn film, Laura. You are Ian's plaything, responding to his touch with shrieks of orgasmic delight. No woman in the history of the world is having better sex than sex you are having with Ian... in my head.

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